Structural design in structural rehabilitation

Structural design in the rehabilitation of structures is the process of developing a plan to improve the strength, stability or functionality of an existing structure. This process involves the application of engineering principles to ensure that the structure can withstand the loads that will be applied to it after rehabilitation.

In the context of structural rehabilitation, structural design may include:

  • Structural analysis: structural analysis is the process of determining the loads that are applied to a structure and how the structure will respond to those loads. In the case of a rehabilitation, structural analysis is used to evaluate the structural capacity of the existing structure.
  • Structural design: Structural design is the process of creating a design for a structure that meets the requirements for safety, functionality and sustainability. In the case of a rehabilitation, structural design is used to develop a plan to improve the strength, stability or functionality of the existing structure.
  • Design documentation: Design documentation is the process of creating documents that describe the structural design of a structure. In the case of a rehabilitation, design documentation is used to communicate the structural design to contractors and others involved in the project.